Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Getting started!!

So, Ive been pretty busy today! I set myself some time to really get my head down and get started with what needs to be done for the module. Starting with getting completely up to date with all the web 2.0 tools.
I, probably like most others on here, was surprised to learn how much I already knew about these tools, without actually realising that, thats what web 2.0 was!!?

Im completely hooked on social network sites Facebook and Twitter! When living in London, I found Facebook especially, to be a great source for finding out about auditions, or even different shows that were on locally for me to go and see for research purposes. I think its fair to say that everyones familiar with Wikipedia, however, Im probably going to slightly embarass myself here by admitting that I had no idea that it was a resource that members of the public could add their own research to!! I find that fascinating that such a large tool has grown because of peoples input from all over the world, coming from all walks of life!

While I cant help but agree with some points made by a few people on here about the use of web 2.0 (Liam writes his view so well I found myself nodding along in agreement!) and how it may be destructive for the future, I also cant help but marvel at the revolutionary of it all! I mean, none of us would be here, doing this course and gaining the degree without it, right? Dont get me wrong, the idea of people using technology to 'lead' our lives seems absurd. I love nothing more than catching up with friends and family over a good old lunch!! But where would the world be without these tools and resources??

I find myself going round and round in circles thinking about this. There are so many pro's weighed out by an equal amount of con's that Im finding it difficult to summarize my opinion................
I think, for me, having already lived a life where these sites and tools are made available so easily to us (phones/laptops) I could never imagine a life without them!!


  1. I'm thrilled that you were nodding along to my post! I'm glad you see where I'm coming from!

    You seem to have got to the same point that me and a few others have; going round in circles! Too many pros and cons to decide on a clear verdict. What we all seem to have agreed on, however, is that we must all be careful about how we use these tools, i.e as a valuable commodity as opposed to an incongruous alternative to real life.

  2. Defiantly a debate that could go on and on and never end!! Iv got to be honest, I didnt think of writing this as a document like some have, so Im going to spend a bit more time on this today, exploring others opinions and linking them into my writing and post it as a link to my blog!

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