So, I've battling for a good 3 hours now with these photo's. What I managed to do quite easily was set up both a flickr account and a photobucket account. However, what I really wanted to do was upload a slideshow as a gadget at the side of my blogs-this I struggled with!!
Therefore, I've had to settle with a few still pictures on my profile, and a link to an album on Photobucket!
Hope you enjoy :-)
p.s if anyone can shed any light as to how I make a slideshow from either of the accounts mentioned above, please can you let me know how? I've tried using the slideshow gadget and my username, but that doesnt seem to bring anything up?
Michelle, I also had problems uploading a slideshow but I "Googled" it and found that the problems seem to be universal. It seems the slideshow gadget is a bit temperamental - Sometimes it works for people and sometimes it doesn't. In my case it bought up random pictures of cats!
ReplyDeleteP.S I really like the photos, maybe you could put a description of the show photos so we know which shows they are from?
ReplyDeleteDefinitely agree with Emily, a caption on each photo would be great, as I was wondering while looking at them where they were all from.
ReplyDeleteSuch a shame some of them are so small!!
Hey Michelle, if you click on your link fot your photos, above the photos it says "view as slideshow", click that and use that link to show the photos as a slideshow.
ReplyDeleteHope this helped.
Captions added!! Don't know why I didn't think to do that when first putting them up!
ReplyDeleteI also have no idea why some are really small, they have all come from the same folder, hmmmmmm. Will try and have a play around with that!