Saturday, 8 October 2011

Task 1b

I touched on this subject as a normal post, but seeing how others have made it into a document to link to, I thought I would expand slightly with my opinions.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Michelle,
    firstly thankyou for your comments on my Video, I was indeed a little nervous and found remembering what I wanted to say a bit difficult. The side of journalism that I am interested in is more the writing side than speaking, but of course with more strings to your bow, who knows where it can lead you. So, I'm finding this Task challenging but a great way to practice for future career situations,such as reporting, as you said.
    I took the chance to have a look at your blog and I must say I really like the simple calm design. The bright blue writing made me feel instantly focused and ready to read more. I read your opinions here about Web 2.0 and I wanted to point you in the direction of my Wikipedia article. I also had no idea Wikipedia was actually a form of a 'Wiki' when I first started reading about them.
    I'd love you to read my post if you haven't yet. As you will see, I was also totally in the blue about this form of 'knowledge sharing.'
